There is a lot to share and I am so behind in just about everything, that it is hard to know where to begin. So I thought I would start by my pictures that I transferred to the computer that I am writing at.
I also have to do a tribute to my Shawnigan Lake School students, so will be uploading my pictures very soon, for those parents that may be waiting to see said pictures.
The studio has been exceptionally busy which has been wonderful. Thank you all for the encouraging comments and for participating in activities in the studio - the studio is not just mine, but all that wish to experience a teaching and working studio.
So, the above triptych is of the triangular shawl that was a community effort - everyone warped a stripe or too, in the mirror image warping technique, so it would be balanced, and we proceeded to weave it. For those of you who don't know about this fun activity, it is very easy and it is done on a wide floor loom rather than the triangular loom that is quite popular these days. Simple as 1, 2, 3, one weaves the warp as the weft and beats 50/50 (very important). We are starting another one, so if you would like to participate, phone the studio, 250 597-0820.
And of course our other community activity is the tapestry..........affectionately called CAW and you will have to come to the studio to hear the story! Ann Clark has been amazing in her support and enthusiasm - it would not be off the ground if it hadn't been for her energy. I have to wait for two weeks between visits and weave a bit by myself - so much fun working together. I have the fortune also to be attending a tapestry workshop in September with Sarah Swett. I am very excited.
And the garden is in with indigo growing and the flax growing gangbusters - I am not sure that I have a recent picture of the flax, but it is about 8 inches tall now - I only planted it about a month ago - same with the indigo, so I will post a new picutre soon. There are three varieties of flax, Evalin, Marylin and Wendylin (my spinning friend in Metchosin!).
My husband has built me another raised bed for madder root, dyer's chamomile and other dye plants. If anyone would like to share some cuttings I would be so happy!!! I have seed for a few dye plants, but I won't get them in this year. I also planted some tomatoes that came my way - all heritage plants, and a zucchini and bean trees. And if you want some heavenly scent, smell the sweet peas when next at the studio or The Loom - right near the teapot garden......the smell of summer.
You may have guessed that this is not in any particular order...but here I go with some other things that have happened in the studio - I will let you know another time about some paranormal folk coming in too!!!!!
Recently, I have had some equipment come my way - another Cherryville Loom which made me very happy and the loom also came with a white cotton warp threaded through the reed and heddles and all nicely rolled up. We made short work with first putting up the loom (only 14 minutes) and tying the warp on and beaming it on. A white warp is something that is foreign to me - so I painted it. Hadn't done that in many years and it was such a joy and only a little bit got on the loom. I have been inspired by my grandson's art of late and the flower just needed to be painted. I thought it would be fun to do a pseudo tapestry to keep my fingers limber using linen.....and so, well, I am just having too much fun.
And a another linen project, traditional linen face towel with a little overshot - Davison's Yin & Yang
The studio was given a lot of undyed wool - masses. So I started making use of it right away and made a couple of blanket warps which I then dyed and quite unevenly as well due to the bulk. The first blanket I did like an overshot using a space dyed kid mohair for the tabby from Fleece Artist and another wool that has a nice long colourway, Merino Stripes by Crystal Palace - very woodsy and the colour changes in the warp just aren't noticeable, or I grew used to it or something. The second one I am weaving in the classic crackle with three shuttles (Italian Manner) and I am using a variety of blues and blue greens, and to be honest I am not sure I know what I am using as I am using several fibres per shuttle........Fleece Artist, Sublime boucle, Berroco alpaca etc. etc. looks good anyway.

The warp is quite green, but the one picture makes it look quite yellow.......let me see if I have another - oh well. I love Crackle - does anyone remember Miss Marjorie E. Hill? Wasn't she just a crackle expert. I did learn a lot from her, but later learned a lot from Mary Snyder at Banff - more of a contemporary style. One can never exhaust this system of weaving.
And the rag rugs keep being woven - I challenge the experienced weaver, to come and spend a day in the studio and weave a rag rug and leave with one. Guild members 10% off of course. There will likely be a dye pot on, perhaps the next triangular shawl will be on its way and of course the tapestry needs weaving - or just come and have a cup of tea. And the following picture - this young woman was a very happy weaver - her first time on a loom.
Another first time weaver, Karen, wove a rug so carefully, that she got a reversible rug...
Oh yes, and we are dyeing more Eastwin mohair as well as The Loom's new local Cowichan Valley Pollypay (yes, I spell it incorrectly - it should be Polypay, but it sounds too much like polyester) - I love the Pollypay - a worsted weight and it just gets softer and softer.
And I have been having a great time weaving with linen and alpaca and loving it - can't let go. For some reason they seem to like each other.....this is about the fifth one - I just keep tyeing them on - I must admit though, I am slower at finishing this one, but only because I am on another jag.
Kypert's Twill
Earlier in the spring I had the most amazing two days - I had to go to the Weavery in Glenora to borrow a key from Ann as I had locked mine in the studio - I never have much time to see and do other things, but it was a lovely gift for me to have this opportunity to visit the Weavery and remind me of other fabulous weaving going on in the Cowichan Valley.
And one of my favourite pictures of all times that I took with my trusty iphone, and one of the best uses of rayon chenille that Ann my partner in crime designed - bolsters or pillows.
The next day I went to Victoria with Betty to have lunch with the TAPIS group - Tapestry Artists of the Island - I don't think I have that quite right but it was an amazing day - and I would love to just do a blog of these fabulous artists.
I am still moved by the above - I can't remember the details, but it is fantastic - I will make sure I find out the information, as it is just beautiful - not enough words to describe it.
Unfortunately my trusty iphone wasn't doing so well, so some of my pictures were out of focus, so my apologies to the ones that I didn't include here.
I love show and tell - please please bring your creations to the studio - I would love to see your pieces. I have many more creations to share with you and I will endeavour to keep up this blog - I am sure that you have heard that before!! I leave you with one more new garden that I was inspired to do one day...
One of my students, Rita, suggested I use cardboard too, but I started with the Island Parent Magazine - and it was expired - and newspapers - anything I could find in the local stores that was old.....and of course it looks quite different now - I will be sure to take a picture of the summer garden.