Well it is that time of the year when one must be prepared to assist in the Christmas madness - at the studio we are just mad! Lots of activity, what with students wanting to learn how to weave and make a couple of projects for gifts, getting ready for craft fairs, packing up, setting up, packing up, and setting up - such joy there is in taking the studio out into the world - and the feedback we get is fantastic, so it is worth the extra work I suppose, but mostly I just want to be in the studio to create, explore, teach and share the world of textiles - that is my joy. Thank you all for contributing to that joy - without you it wouldn't be as exciting and fun.
The Fleece and Fibre Show was fabulous and thanks to Annie and her committee, it was a success. We did have fun and I met so many people - thanks everyone for being so supportive and encouraging. I met with the committee for next year and I am very excited - more on that when we have information - just be sure that it will be great and inspirational.
There has been so much happening that I can hardly think of what went on. Suffice it to say, that a lot of creating has happened - we have new spinners and weavers in our midst and the world is richer for it. Watch out weaver's guilds, as you will soon have new members. Oh, on that note there is a Tzouhalem Weaver's Guild Show and Sale in Mill Bay until December something