I cannot believe that this month is almost over and I have so much to share and so much to do - yikes!!! I will try to bring the last two weeks up to date - I believe solar dyeing and spinning were my topics. The wool was dyed and the colours are very subtle, but next to the original colour (I used Eastwin Farm mohair/wool), they were quite striking. The surprise colour was bracken fern - there is almost a mauve-y pink tinge to it. I didn't use very much and feel if I cooked the normal way, the colours may have been darker.
The market continued until this last week when we decided to stop and wait until next year and hopefully begin with a bigger vendor base. It was magical while it lasted and I really do think that it will be successful. We will work through the year to make sure of that. There were so many great positive comments and that will inspire us to work towards a great market for 2011. Thank you all for participating and supporting all of the vendors and enjoying the 'hidden jewel' of the courtyard. We will still continue to meet in front of Leola's Studio to knit and spin and whatever you would like to do, on Sundays. My Cowichan Knitting Sisters will be there too.

The Studio continues to be very busy and full of stimulating conversation and creative people. My friend Karen brought in some beautiful boas that seem to be quite popular already.
The wrap that it is resting on is woven with a cotton warp and the weft is Merino Stripes, one of my favourite wefts - Annie helped me weave it and it is quite a classy little piece, if I don't say so myself! Sure does look pretty with the boa, but the boa sold of course! The boas have gone to Kelowna and one to Newfoundland. I love the image of beautiful fibres travelling throughout the world.
Dyeing seems to be the July activity. My friend Ann came to the studio with a project that we felt we needed to do as we had been talking about it for months - cotton dyeing. I had my wonderful young Chloe (mommy to the beautiful sweet sheep that came visiting a week or so ago!), who tie dyed while we made skein after skein of cotton, linen, cotton chenille and cotton bias tape - which was gorgeous and oh yes, a small ikat warp (another resist method, the warp tied with plastic strips to resist the dye, then when warped on the loom these resisted areas will form a pattern - a pattern we worked on for hours - not!!
We stirred and tied throughout the day, and a young woman from Courtenay way dropped in to bring a book back about resist dyeing etc., and joined in the fun, so she went away with a bit of fabric tie dyed. One has to wait with tie dye for the colour to cure - so I didn't get to see how they looked. We did the ikat the discharge method as well.

The warping mill in action - I can hardly wait to see the warp - Ann took all the dyeing home to warp - so I have to wait. She is very busy too, so I will be patient, but maybe I will phone......the ikat will have cured by now. Our favourite
colour was the ecru and lemon yellow together. We are using Procion MX dyes that are amazing in their intensity and I usually get them from Maiwa in Vancouver.
The ikat we made just a little darker, so one part more of ecru. The other colour was aquamarine and the last dye was 2 parts olive green and one of lemon yellow.
The finished 'nests' - I am so excited. It was so much fun and we were quite tired from the stimulation - the more we saw the fibre changing and becoming new fibre, the more we drooled and dreamt of all the things we could do.

So I thought Friday was stimulating...........the next day, whilst working at the Loom with Karen, our order that she and I worked hard on a week or so ago, came in. Gaye with her new hip drove to the store, picked me up and drove to the post office where we picked up the order, dashed back to the Loom and then Karen and I took it out back to the Studio and began to sort and more drooling ocurred...........cottons, linens, cottolin, hemp ..... what can I say?
And so some tea towels waiting for sister tea towels to be woven with the new beautiful colours.

So now we have dreams of tea towels , and sauna towels and runners and lovely shawls mixed maybe with some mohair or cashmere. Yes we fibre addicts can dream about tea towels - such a satisfying project, and especially if they are woven with some linen, they are pretty much guaranteed to last 100 years......